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Gekkota Mundi III


Chiang Mai, Thailand

Gekkota Mundi III

Presented by the Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
In cooperation with La Sierra University

July 31 to August 1, 2024

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Welcome gecko enthusiasts!

Gekkota Mundi III, the 3rd global symposium on gecko biology, will be held in the beautiful city of Chiang Mai, Thailand and hosted by Chiang Mai University and La Sierra University. We are excited to invite all interested gecko biologists, students and enthusiasts from all around the world to share the most up to date findings and information in the fields related to the evolution, ecology, behavior, biogeography, physiology and conservation of geckos (Squamata: Gekkota). 

Cyrtodactylus elok

Call for abstracts due May 20, 2024:

Please submit your abstracts with the subject

line “Gekkota Mundi III abstract” to Lee Grismer at

Abstracts should include:

1. A concise title of no more than 25 words (if possible).

2. Names of all contributors with the institutional and email address of the presenter.

3. Abstract should be no more than 250 words.

Note: If you have not completely generated your results by the time of submission, submit something about which you are going to present.


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Cost for Students and non-presenters: $100 US

Cost for Non-Student Presenters: $200 US

Register your information

and t-shirt size Here

Click Here to Pay via PayPal

Click Here for Money Wire Info


Chiang Mai, a city located in the northern part of Thailand that is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning natural landscapes. Chiang Mai is a popular destination for travelers from all over the world, offering a unique blend of modern amenities and traditional charm.


With its ancient temples, vibrant markets, and delicious cuisine, Chiang Mai is a city that has something to offer everyone. Whether you’re interested in exploring the local culture, immersing yourself in nature, or simply relaxing and enjoying the laid-back vibe, Chiang Mai is the perfect place to do it.

Venue and Accomodations:

Gekkota mundi III will be held in Kantary Hills Hotel ( Chiang Mai,  at the largest city in Northern Thailand.


Chiang Mai offers a wide variety of accommodation ranging from luxury and boutique to budget hotels and hostels, as well as serviced apartments.

Click Here for Lodging Suggestions


Two excursions will be available during your time in Chiang Mai. You be able to choose from either:

The Nature Tour to Doi Inthanon National Park or

The Cultural Tour of Doi Suthep and Chiang Mai old city.

Click HERE for additional information and registration

Cost will be $40 and can be payable onsite.

Both tours will take place on August 2 so you will only be able reserve one.

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The dates will be 31 July to 1 August 2024, a Wednesday and Thursday. This will give people plenty of time (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) to see the beautiful sights around Chiang Mai and/or travel to Kuching, Sarawak, East Malaysia for the start of the World Congress of Herpetology 10 (WCH, see website beginning on 5 August (Monday). If there appears to be more presenters than we anticipate for Gekkota Mundi III, we can extend the meetings by one more day.


Having these meetings back-to-back in Southeast Asia makes it economically feasible for many folks who want to attend both Gekkota Mundi III and the WCH 10 to only have to make one flight to the region. It also makes it possible for many Asian students studying geckos to attend. We are negotiating with the National Science Museum of Thailand to publish the talks in a symposium volume.

Click Here or Meeting Schedule

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